Tip - Nicole S Young Works at Nicolesy Inc

Published  | Submitted by Mardee Brennan

I'm a photographer and author, currently living in California. I'm passionate about photography, art, writing, and music ... and I love connecting with other artists and photographers.

My work mostly consists of people and food photographs and I make my living as a stock photographer with iStockphoto and Getty Images. I also create presets and eBooks and sell them online in the Nicolesy Store.

I'm also an author with Peachpit Press and Craft&Vision (you can view them all here). I'm also ACE certified in Adobe Photsohop CS4/CS5 and work as a Help Desk Specialist with the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP).

For further reading: http://nicolesyblog.com/

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Posted: 10 years ago

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