Need SEO tips and plugins for wordpress website

I have been reading about search engine optimization for my own blog but there are many different plugins and settings which I really cant understand. Can someone with experience give me tips on setting up the basic seo of my wordpress site like recommended plugins and the best settings for high search engine ranking?

  • Tip 2

    Make sure the images you use have appropriate titles and alternate texts  More

  • Tip 3

    Only Show Excerpt on Listing Pages  More

  • Tip 4

    WordPress SEO by Yoast  More

  • Tip 5

    Try keeping your Tag pages noindex  More

  • Tip 6

    Aaron Baldassare: Write as if Search Engines Don't Exist  More

About This Topic

Category: Science & Technology | 10 years, 7 month(s) ago

55.6k+ Reads
6 Tips
48 Votes
13 Saved