Tried and Tested Tips For Losing Weight

Tried and Test Tips For Losing Weight. There are all kinds of experts, books, products and exercise routines created to lose weight. How do you know what is good and what is not...let the community sorted it for you. This is the place to offer tips you created or used to lose weight. If you are getting a tip from an article, please provide your tip and the URL of the article for additional reading. Tips are ranked based on votes. Once your tip is submitted, get your family and friends to vote. Tips with higher votes are viewed the most and have higher chances of getting additional votes from the community members. You can provide tips title, description, image and if you have a URL where you got the tip from, please add it.
  • Tip 1

    Find a Cause to Lose Weight  More

  • Tip 2

    Stay below your calorie count, consistently.  More

  • Tip 3

    Eat What Grows on Plants; Limit What's Manufactured in Plants  More

  • Tip 5

    Start reading labels before you buy food  More

  • Tip 6

    Start the day with a filling breakfast  More

  • Tip 9

    Plan Tomorrow's Eating Today  More

  • Tip 10

    Eat Celery and Avocado  More

  • Tip 11

    Keep the fruit nearby!  More

  • Tip 12

    Drink cup of hot water every 3 hours  More

  • Tip 13

    Do NOT Skip Meals  More

  • Tip 19

    Drink lots of natural juices  More

  • Tip 21

    Drinking freezing cold Water burns calories  More

  • Tip 23

    Do Not Eat After 7pm  More

  • Tip 24

    reward yourself with choclates and treats, saunas and sweets.  More

  • Tip 25

    Drink 16 ounces of chilled water first thing in the morning (increases metabolism)  More

  • Tip 26

    Without carbohydrates your body kicks into ketosis meaning our body is using protein  More

  • Tip 27

    Natural Way to Permanent Weight Loss complex carbohydrates with fruits and vegetables  More

  • Tip 34

    Cps Staff Net  More

  • Tip 35

    Chew and Chew Your Food for Weight Loss  More

About This Topic

Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

89.8k+ Reads
35 Tips
284 Votes
22 Saved


Adnan Arif, Darren Morgan, DietGuru, Anu, Smithi, EatingRight, Hola, Planit, ThisSide, Manpower, SoCool, AMpm6, Jinse, 3ak, NewIdea, Hike99, Tipspit, Reddit, Paul, USA, Theone, JJJ, TMirza, Idea, J4BAR, KarenBaker, Sowhat, Username, Bank, Jason, DreamBig, Susan, Free, Newkid, raoisrar, tahir, Samantha Hogue, Julia Smith, Allison Coleman, Sims _x, 10pounds, Jill Dyson, Content, Nicola Halliday, Trevor, Susie Price, Elizabeth Chambers, Lori Flynn, A.Minor, Alexey Malyshev, Erin Byrnes, Patti Mbachu, Byung Chung, Giovanni My, Gig Xifaras, Talia Puma, Rakesh Das, Amparo Calzada, Roy Martens, John Eslick, Gary Humbarger, Sandya, elvira arzubialde, Pat Wilson, Dario Seghezzi, Aliaksei Ilkiu, Anne Bodin, Jae Nasdaq, Arlene Morgan, Jennifer Carrera, Dan Abbene, Tim Roche, Gunilla Engelbert, Ricardo Cruzato, Stephen Carns, Marinda Freeman, Ron Grober, Susan Biller, Rosica Golaboska, Christophe Auguet, Alexandre Araujo, Saul Gamoran, Debra Mandt, Clark Willingham, Joost Kamphoff, thelma fernandez, clifford akwana, Jose Ottenwalder, Geoff Seabrook, Helene Thybo, Bernard Rizk, SENECHAL CORENTIN, Monique Reynolds, Linda Berg, noah markus, Jean - Guy Rioux, Shirley Michelena, Lisa Milbrun, Don Likeum, Dimitrios Theofilidis, Brendan Mc Grath, DENNIS SAWYERS, Ardena Singh, Adrian Flower, Grietje Rusticus, Brian English, Tom Hennessy, Shelley Bosler, Rachelle Acuna - Narvaez, ann kuznetsov, Samarth Kalghatgi, Bradley Matthews, Marius Racianu, Bo Felding, Arjen Karelse, Jody Denton, Luc Sark, Carolyn Mueller, Karen Shaffer, Dustin Possetti, Cindy Dottaviano, Bil Rosen, Rishav Kashyap, Patricia Proano, Hubert Huang, doug babcock, DARROW WU, diamondkizzes, Hana Bartal, Doreen O Skea, Mark wojchik, Kevin Coutinho, Naveen Zutshi, Augusto Trigos, Jennifer Baden, Gerhard Meulman, Bruno Walschap, Rene Coronado, Trish Mc Cabe, Wieteke Dupain, Kerstin Brooks, Sheldon Bont, Rick Pappalardo, Mark Allshouse, Odair Capelozza, Akbar Zareh, Alwahssi Abdul Razack, Stefan Hu 00e 5kansson, Mathijs Vermeulen, javad Mogharei, Erjan Borren, Craig Marking, Filipa Grancho, Denise Drummond, Sarah James, Bill Peedle, Diane Ridgway - Cross, Andre Weissflog, laurel nicholes, Marcella Shupe, Joey Wiebe, Noreen Janick, Ayu Astuti, Livia Freitas, aline durand, Rich Clewett, Candy Romano, Jeannine Shafer - Flint, Rolf Wu 00fcthrich, Aleksandra Marciniak - Wiu 0119ckowska, nyjmac, Bina Dagar, SCHUHMACHER Jacques, Sandi Tiffin, Sarah Welburn, Kitty Gendt, Azizi Ahmad, Alan Beckwith, David Hickey, theflowergirl, Sarah Wiseman, Sherrie Mann, Eneida Velazco, Wendy Yale, Ana Di Nardo, Odile Bogaert, Patricia Russell, Ray Schwitters, Brendan Maree, Lebesque B , Max Brazao, Maureen Estes, Michelle Czuba, Glenn Moorer, Kristyne Kennedy, Ricardo Penetra, Jack Roberts, Antanas Kuzminskis, A Morarka, William Gross, Kelly Pollard, eulalie bah, Cathy Beauregard, David Chassu 00e 9, CALDERON JEFF, Sunmonu isa, Leilani Allen, Ed Petka, Tuesday Knight, Mike Buatti, Bill Waidelich, Delania Teems, Roy Schuster, Phil Owens, Jeff Funk, Louis Oquendo, Betty Lynch, Lynne little, Stewart Hill, Kelly Bunch, Jean - Franu 00e 7ois Tournier, Jeroen Ketting, Christian Arroyo, Henrique Terada, Michael Dakkour, Randy Pope, Kevin Kebodeaux, Robb Murdock, Aubrey Reed, Martin van Wijngaarden, Shawn - Marie Hale, Tannaz Rahbar, Oussama Kabbani, Janey Chan, Nigel Storey, Liz Murphy, bodyfatloss, venus, MARCEL RIVKIND, Robbie Goerke, Niels Wahlgreen, Michael Thibodeau, Monfront Thierry, melanderhenrik, Aaron Odud, Susan Kousek, mildred cnco, Bienvenido Paulino , sheena 649, Setty Mongwaketse, warstory, Woodcrest, Super man, abdurrazzak, perfectbuz, doodle

References & Citations